Nikocado Avocado (pre-2016)

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Nikocado Avocado
Remember when Nick was eating healthy?
Gender: Male
Type: Vlogger
Date Joined: May 27, 2014
Status: Active
Subscriber Count: 3.34M

Nikocado Avocado is a vlogger that joined on May 27, 2014 in which he talked about his vegan life and played the violin to his viewers. He used to be a good YouTuber during 2014-2016 until he started to do Mukbang content later on during the years.

Why He Used To Be Healthy

  1. Before the Mukbang era, Nick was very kind to his viewers and was very healthy in which he was skinny.
  2. His violin skills are very impressive and the songs he makes with the violin sound beautiful.
  3. Adding on to WHUTBH#1, Nick was mostly kind to his viewers in which he normally talks about his life and thanks his fans for what he got. Unlike his later self.
  4. He didn't do much Mukbang content around this time, and he did various content. In which were better than the Mukbangs.
  5. He and his husband didn't fight with each other at all during this time.

The Only Bad Quality

  1. After making Mukbang content, he announced he doesn't want to be vegan anymore. Which resulted in Nick continuing the Mukbangs which impacted on his life and channel since.
    • Due to this, now Nick mostly eats very large portions that he cannot eat all the way, fights with his husband, cries about random stuff (especially when his food falls over), blaming his viewers by saying "it's your fault", being angry, and also making money off of it with his merch.

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